Divine Chariot

  Divine Chariot is a gravity defying apparatus, designed to assist patients with mobility dysfunction to move around, similar to crutches, walkers or wheelchairs. But unlike the wheelchair that provides only transportation - at the cost of deterioration of muscles, loss of bone mass, slumping posture, which contributes to the malfunction of heart, longs and GI system; Divine Chariot reduces the patient’s weight to an extend necessary, so the patient can walk under his or her own power in an upright position. Movements of the muscles and the pressure placed on the sole of the feet, helps the circulation of the blood, strengthens the muscles and bone structure. Ambulating in an upright position provides the patient with pride and dignity that one looses when one is looked down at while sitting in a wheel chair.  Divine Chariot is also safer and easier to use than walkers and crutches. It can also be designed for use by children as young as 2 years old, or adult patients of any size and age. We plan on donating and providing these units at lowest possible costs to Shriner’s Hospitals, Children’s Hospitals, and Wounded Veterans Organizations.  Upright Mobility Inc.’s aim is to provide the best possible mobility devices and other prosthetics to those in need, especially to those who can least afford it.  We plan to manufacture and assemble our products here in United States, so we can also contribute to the economy of our Country.